Our exhibition was on tour around Oxfordshire from June 2015 until the end of 2016; our trail around Grandpont (for which we put a poppy and information about each man on the gate of the house in which he lived before he went to war) was in place in June and again in September 2015; and our documentary film was launched in May 2016. Below are some of the comments we received about the exhibition, trail and film, and about the project in general.
Many, many congratulations on this really exemplary project - exemplary in so many ways: the research, the collation of the research, the technicalities of making the film with added sound and specially-composed music and raising awareness of the project so that so many people know about it. It has been an enormous undertaking, and an enormous contribution to local history, and to the history of WW1. Grandpont resident
Terrific, a very powerful piece of local history and some remarkable stories. Tom Buchanan, Professor of Modern British and European History, University of Oxford
The intensity of the concentration in the hall this evening showed how effective and compelling everyone found the film. The music was lovely. The stories are so moving and came over so clearly. It also showed very well how much sheer hard work goes into getting all the information together. Osney resident
Your research and creative teams should be very proud of what you've achieved. The film, I thought, was very well balanced, with a good mix of interview and commentary, text and image. Mark Lawrence, Oxfordshire History Centre Manager
We were very impressed with the film... there was obviously a huge amount of research that had made this possible. A great sacrifice by these men 100 years ago, and your film restored our memories of them. A big thank you to you and your team. Relatives of one of the 66 men
The entire project has been a great success, and I am very pleased that the Greening Lamborn Trust has been able to be a supportive part of this success. The Clerk to the Trustees of The Greening Lamborn Trust, part-funder of the project
I appreciate the effort that goes into the background research and I commend the project team and the local community on unearthing such a treasure trove of primary source material. Brigadier RA Draper, Former Honorary Colonel, Oxfordshire (The Rifles) Battalion Army Cadet Force
The film was very moving and the way it had been put together, with the stories told by relatives today, and their memories, alongside the research provided by you (and others!), gave a coherent and informative narrative. We loved the music too. Relative of one of the 66 men
We really enjoyed seeing the film. It's wonderful to have that small piece of history on record and also interesting to hear the stories of the other families involved. It was very moving to think that those men had made such a sacrifice for us. Relative of three of the 66 men
The film was excellent. A great piece of history ... it really captured the mood and sentiment of the time. Hopefully it will influence others and may encourage people to make positive choices in their lives rather than go to war. Relative of three of the 66 men
The film [was] beautifully done and very touching. A great collaboration. Marlborough Road resident
The exhibition in Westgate Library is so moving and so beautifully put together - and of course made me think of all the thousands of other war memorials, right across europe, representing so much futile destruction. East Oxford resident
So many names…and you have restored them into people again with lives and families and homes. Marlborough Road resident
It’s incredible…just seeing the houses [on the trail], the density of the loss, and imagining, as a mother of sons, what it must have been like for families around here - something about seeing the poppies and reading about each man/boy makes it so vivid. It’s really powerful. Western Road resident
My 15-year-old came home very late from school one day, having gone round [the whole trail] (without any prompting from me) and had found it captivating and very well put together. South Oxford resident
[The website is a] great tribute to the men of Grandpont … a huge amount of work has been done here. Oxford primary school archivist
What an excellent exhibition at St Matthew's. The background information on life in Grandpont at the turn of the last century balanced the content describing the individual men who served really well. The poppy memorial markers have made a lasting impression on me. Grandson of a close friend of the family of one of the 66 men
The 66 Men of Grandpont project is the best of tributes to WW1, so much more interesting and touching than many of the meaningless and grandiose celebrations that have been taking place. It adds a new dimension to our sense of the war and of the neighbourhood. I haven't see all 66 yet, but I've got to know quite a few of them. Thank you. Marlborough Road resident
I feel privileged to have been involved in the '66 Men of Grandpont ' project and to be able to find out so much new information. The way the project has developed to have meaning and relevance today is what adds the real value and makes it so special. Granddaughter of the wife of one of the 66 men
The exhibition is fascinating and impressive and I'm sure will have appeal well beyond the local Grandpont community. Oxford City Councillor
It really puts another perspective on the War and on those who fought and died. Marlborough Road resident
Overwhelming. Fantastic bit of research and presented well. Thank you. Visitors to the exhibition, from Didcot
A brilliant exhibition and a spectacular idea. Moving, powerful, meticulously researched. Visitor from Shipston-on-Stour
An amazing display and we’ve learnt some new info about our ancestor. Descendants of the family of one of the 66 men
An incredible piece of research, beautifully presented, very moving. Marlborough Road resident
My little girl, who is just 6, and I have been fascinated to look out for the poppies and stories about each of these brave men and their families, who if it weren't for you would not have their important stories told 100 years on. The concept is so simple - no apps or anything digital required! - but so well thought-through and engaging, we have been blown away by it all and very touched. Edith Road resident
[The trail is] a great idea, nicely executed - congratulations to everyone involved in such a personal and dignified act of commemoration. I wonder if these men thought they'd be remembered this way when they went off to serve… But I'm sure their families would be pleased and proud that they have been. Visitor from Cumnor
Placing information about the men outside the houses where they lived … was a real master stroke. Just wandering down Western Road and seeing the number of white signs outside the former homes really brought it home as to what utter devastation that war brought to just one small area. The downloadable map of the area was a great idea, especially adding the men who had served and returned. Again, very thought-provoking. WWI historian
A really terrific piece of work, a wonderful idea and absolutely fascinating to walk down the road and read all the posters. Grandpont resident
A real honour to read about the men who allowed the community to become what we see today. Lake Street resident
- Read further comments on the poppy trail here.